Netflix: History and facts

የቅጂ ቀን03-10-2021


የቆይታ ጊዜ41:52


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On the 51th episode of Zemach FM we are taking a look at Netflix as a company and go through it’s profile. We will try to see the history of the company, who the founders are, what kind of challenges it passed throughout its time, and some Facts about the company.

Episode Timeline

02:10 Episode title introduction

04:22 how was Netflix founded

06፡12 How was Netflix’s rental service different from other rental services

07:30 Who were the founders of Netflix

09:10 Moving to subscription-based plan

10:25 The relationship between blockbuster

12:09 The naming of the Company

13:00 How did the idea of the company came up

14:40 The timeline of the company’s growth

16:30 IPO of Netflix

17:15 The resignation of the co-founder Marc

18:50 The beginning of the streaming service

22:00 The Netflix Originals and Amazon’s Streaming Service

27:00 Launch of Disney +, HBO MAX, Apple TV, and other streaming services

33:01 Some stats from Netflix

35:00 Money spent by Netflix to produce content

37:30 Streaming traffic stats

Contact the hosts

Henok Tsegaye Twitter Instagram LinkedIn

Abdulhadmid Oumer Twitter Instagram linkedIn

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